The WorkSource Office Depot website allows you to order and customize WorkSource outreach materials online. This includes WorkSource business cards, stationery, envelopes, job seeker tools and business outreach materials.
Products are modular by topic and audience, allowing you to select only those that apply to your specific needs. Some are even customizable to reflect the services of your office or area.
The products were developed by statewide WorkSource Marketing Committee and approved for use by the Washington Workforce Association and the Employment Security Department.
WorkSource employees should use the materials for outreach activities unless alternative materials are explicitly approved by your Workforce Development Council. They’re your best option for tools that uphold Washington’s statewide brand.
Most WorkSource outreach materials are available for order on the WorkSource Office Depot website. There are two portals; one for business cards and stationery (Brand Identity) and another for standardized outreach materials (MyFiles). Contact your Workforce Development Council Brand and Media Group designee and complete this intake request form and a communications representative from the Employment Security office will follow up with you to disucuss your project.
If you don’t find what you need at the WorkSource Office Depot website, contact your Workforce Brand and Media Group designee.
Be prepared to describe and define exactly what your need is. He or she will work with you to determine how to best meet that need. If you and your designee determine that a locally developed product is the best solution, together use the guidelines on this website to develop a product that meets your needs.
The WorkSource Office Depot site will continue to expand as needs are identified and new products are developed. If a local product you create addresses a system need, it might be a good candidate for the website. Discuss your product with your Workforce Brand and Media Group designee. He or she will bring appropriate products forward to the WorkSource Marketing Committee for consideration.