The body of work contained on this website constitutes the ‘rules of the road’ or WorkSource Brand Standards for the proper use of the WorkSource Brand. Use of the WorkSource Brand is authorized by your local Workforce Development Council (WDC) and is predicated upon satisfying the certification criteria and other standards established by the council. Understanding WorkSource Brand requirements and having the proper communications and promotional resources is key to consistent brand integrity and communication.
WorkSource Brand Basecamp provides an overview of what elements make up the WorkSource Brand, guidelines for working with them, and demonstration of how to communicate a consistent brand identity that represents the WorkSource system. On Brand Basecamp, you can find approved statewide Marketing materials that meet promotional standards.
The Washington Workforce Association and the Employment Security Department have formally adopted the resources and materials contained in this website. WorkSource Brand Management guidance applies to all customer facing WorkSource publication and promotional products currently in use and/or being developed/revised.
The WorkSource Brand and Media Group develops and implements statewide promotional standards, strategies and products for the WorkSource system. The work is managed throughout the state by twelve WorkSource Brand and Media Group Designees (each appointed by their WDC Director) and ESD’s Deputy Communications Director.
Please contact your WorkSource Brand and Media Group Designee if you have questions about the function and use of the WorkSource Brand Standards or Brand Basecamp. Thank you!