

Graphic standards

WorkSource signage

The production, purchase, and placement of WorkSource signage is a complex issue. Each site has different signage needs, building requirements, and permitting issues. Further, each site must pass a Workforce Development Council quality assessment and certification process in order to use the WorkSource name.

Due to the complex issues involved, WorkSource signage requests must be coordinated through your local workforce development area Brand & Media Group Designee. The Employment Security Communications Office will provide direction to ensure proper signage requirements are met.

Following are examples of approved interior signage:

Note: The tagline is not optional on entry doors and windows, but is optional on interial wall signs. in these examples the WorkSource logo is shown as a raised 3D sign and the AJC tagline is applied to the wall separately as a gray or white adehisive sticker with removable backing.

Exteriror signage without AJCN applied:


American Job Center Network (AJCN)

The American Job Center Network tagline is not required on primary office building signage.

The logo with the AJCN tagline must be applied to a high visibility office window or door. WorkSource logo window clings may be obtained through the Employment Security Communications Office.

(Download the read me PDF regarding correct application of WorkSource and American Job Center window clings).

Geographic identifiers:

Geographic identifiers on WorkSource signs should be approved by your local Brand and Media Designee.