

WorkSouce Logo Geographic identity standards

Geographic identifiers are permitted as a component of the logo on the following WorkSource products:

  • Local WorkSource websites
  • Exterior building signage
  • Those specialty items with a logo field large enough to support the logo and identifier to remain easily readable (i.e., logoed water bottles, caps, plaques, etc.)
  • Materials developed specifically for local use, in coordination with your local Brand and Media designee



Use the standard WorkSource logo with the AJCN tag included or a local logo, but never use a local logo with the AJCN tag directly under it.


Design requests shall be handled locally. Ask your Brand and Media Group designee for permission and usage guidance.

  • Geographic identifiers may not exceed 15 characters to ensure proper balancing of the graphic elements of the logo.
  • To ensure legibility, the font size may be no less than 8 point, (most commonly found on websites or specialty items)
  • The American Job Center (AJC) Network tagline should not appear under a WorkSource logo with the geographic identifier included. However, whenever possible, the AJC tagline should appear somewhere on the item or page that the WorkSource logo appears on.

    Examples include:
    • Local WorkSource websites where the logo appears at the top but the AJC tagline appears in the footer with the Equal Opportunity statement
    • Exterior signage when the AJC tagline is already prominently displayed on an entry door
    • Small specialty items such as pens or nametags, where it is not feasible to add the AJC tagline apart from the geographic identifier text due to the limited size and space

      (The decision to use the geographicly named logo and leave the AJC tagline off an item, is a local Workforce Development Area (WDA) decision. The Brand and Media Group designee should consult with all local WDA partners to establish a policy that clearly states when it's appropriate to use their local logo with the geographic identifier, rather than the statewide standardized WorkSource logo).